神奈川 横浜 川崎 東京 ゴスペル クワイア ボーカルグループ サークル 二子新地 田園都市線 港北 ピアノ 聖歌隊 讃美歌 R&B 習い事 コーラス ゴスペル蔡 ジャズ クラシック 音楽 英語 ジュビリーコラール Ashton moore Rivonne アシュトン リボン 溝の口
The Kanagawa Jubilee Chorale
( 神奈川 ジュビリー コラール )
: Ashton Nickolas Moore :
Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, Ashton Nickolas Moore has expanded his love for music across the ocean to Japan.
He began his musical endeavours as a young boy on Detroit's west side taking lessons in violin, piano, percussion, and voice.
He continued his love for musical knowledge at Michigan State University where he graduated with a Bachelor or Arts and masters in Jazz Studies in 2005 and 2008, respectfully.
Ashton has performed with jazz greats such as Jon Hendricks, Rodney Whitaker, Wycliffe Gordon, Cyrus Chestnut, Christian McBride and Dianne Reeves.
He has also recorded and performed with Ken Hirai. In January of 2005 Ashton performed two concerts of Marvin Gaye’s ‘What’s Goin’ On Suite’ at Dizzy’s Coca Cola Club in Frederick P. Rose Hall in New York, NY. In October 2008, he was asked by the State of Michigan to perform the national anthem for Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign trail in Lansing, MI. While humbled by these experiences Ashton has gained confidence to perform as a true jazz musician.
Ashton is currently living and working in the Tokyo area as a singer, vocal instructor, and songwriter.

LIVE schedule

: Rivonne Moore :
オペラ歌手Anne NispelとHarland Jenningsに師事。毎週、コンサートのステージで演奏を始める。後、モーツァルトのドン·ジョヴァンニのためのオペラの舞台に初登場した。
パフォーマンスとともに、 熱心な音楽教育者である。ランシング子ども家庭研究所、ミシガン州で子どもたちの合唱団を始める。ミシガン州Haslett高校へインターン。卒業後、その学区内の小学校、中、高校の聖歌隊を教える。
Born in Detroit, Michigan, Rivonne Moore has been an active musician since the age of five.
While in high school she studied voice and harp performance with the world renowned harpist, Patricia Terry-Ross.
She also attended Northwestern University’s Music Institute for gifted young musicians directed by Robert Harris.
She entered Michigan State University in the fall of 2003 where she studied Music Education. During her time there, she studied with opera performers Anne Nispel and Harland Jennings.
With a growing background in opera performance, she began performing on stage for weekly and monthly concerts.
Later she made her first appearance on the opera stage for Mozart’s Don Giovanni.
Along with performing, Rivonne is also an avid music educator. She began a children’s choir at the Black Child and Family Institute in Lansing,
Michigan. She also interned at Haslett High School in Haslett, Michigan under the advisement of Erich Wangeman.
After graduation, a job was secured for her to teach elementary, middle, and high school choir in that school district.
Though her background is classical music and education, Rivonne is no a stranger to the popular music scene.
During her time at Michigan State University, she studied with the famous jazz vocalist Sunny Wilkinson.
She performed in Sunny’s Vocal Jazz Ensemble; singing intricate vocal harmonies and vocal arrangements. In addition to classical arias and jazz,
Rivonne is also a gospel singer. She was the soprano section leader of the choir and paid soloist at St. Stephen’s Community Church in Lansing, MI.
The band was lead by the outstanding jazz bassist Rodney Whitaker.
Her latest stage performance was as an actor and singer in Jim Crow’s Tears, an interpretive stage musical that charts the history of minstrel shows and its connection to today’s popular music; written and directed by Kristopher Johnson, a trumpeter in the Count Basie Band.
Her most recent accomplishment was in June of 2011. She participated in a Japanese televised singing competition Nodojiman the World competing against 9 other contestants and was the declared winner with two-hundrend ninety-nine (299) points out of three-hundred (300).
Currently Rivonne resides in Japan. She is continuing to enjoy her life with music and her experiences there.