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Alto--The range of a voice between mezzo-soprano and tenor. The second highest part in a four-part arrangement.


Articulation--The action of the speech organs in the formation of consonants and vowels.


Bass clef--It is also called the F clef. It is a musical sign to show low pitched notes.


Belting--A singing style used in pop, rock, and Broadway music, especially by female singers. Tones are produced in the middle and low registers of the voice, by using chest resonance which is amplified by diaphragmatic pressure.


Breath control--The ability to use breath conservatively and efficiently in order to sing long vocal phrases.


Breath mark--A comma in between music notes to indicate places for singers to breath.


Breath support--Muscular support of the breathing process provided by the diaphragm and rib cage. Breath support creates a feeling of balance between the breath and tone.


Bridge--The transitional section of a song, different than Verse and Chorus sections. It is usually positioned right before the return of the final chorus section of a song.


Chest register--The low range of the voice, produced by using chest resonance.


Chromatic scale--A sequence of notes that progresses in consecutive half steps, ascending and/or descending.


Chorus--1. A group of singers who sing together. 2. A section of a song that always uses the same melody and lyrics.


Contralto--The range of the lowest female voice, usually from the first F below middle C to the second F above.


Crescendo--A gradual increase in volume.


Decrescendo--A gradual decrease in volume.


Diaphragm--A dome-shaped muscular plate that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.


Diminuendo-- A gradual decrease in volume.


Diphthong--Double vowel sound, such as the "oi" in voice.

Double vowel sound--A complex sound composed of two consecutive vowel sounds, such as sigh and smile.


Dynamics--Degrees of volume in a musical composition.


Embellishment--An added note or group of notes to a song melody, rhythm, or harmony.


Enunciation--The pronunciation of words with regard to fullness and clearness.


Explosive consonants--The consonants that are produced by using an explosion of air, such as “t”, “p”, and “k”.


F clef--Same as bass clef. The musical sign indicates low pitched sounds.


Falsetto--The high range of a male singer’s voice, which resembles the normal range of a female singer’s voice. It is also used as a female singer's light and breathy head voice.


Form--The structure of a musical composition.


Grace note--An ornament, a note or a group of notes printed in small type, borrows the rhythmic value from the preceding note.


G clef--Same as treble clef. The musical sign indicates high pitched sounds.


Half step--The distance between one key and the next adjacent key of the piano keyboard, including all black and white keys. It is also called an Interval of a Minor Second.


Head register/ Head voice--The high range of the voice, which is produced with head resonance.


Head resonance--The quality of tone produced in the high part of the voice when sung with normal volume.


Hissed consonants--The consonant sounds which are produced with a hissing sound, such as "s", "sh", and "f".


Hummed consonants--The consonant sounds which are produced with nasal resonance.


Interpretation--An individual singer's stylistic treatment of a song.


Interval--The measurement of distance between two notes on a musical staff or keyboard.

Improvisation--A spontaneous interpretation of a song which may include changes in its melody, rhythm, and/or phrasing.


Key--The tonal center of a song or musical composition.


Key signature--Sharps and flats located at the beginning of the musical staff which indicate the key of the music.


Larynx--The structure of muscle and cartilage at the upper end of the human trachea, containing the vocal cords and serving as the organ of the voice.


Legato--A vocal technique that involves smooth and connected singing.


Lyrical phrase--A group of words that complete a thought or idea.


Lyrics--The words to a song.


Measure--Also called a Bar. A unit of musical time, usually composed of two, three, or four beats. The first beat is always accented.


Metaphor--A figure of speech in which one object is spoken of as if it were another.


Mezzo-soprano--The range of a voice between soprano and alto.


Middle register--The range of voice that is produced by using a mixture of head and chest resonance. It is also called Middle Voice or Mixed Voice


Musical ear--The ability to recognize and differentiate sounds and pitches.


Octave--A tone with either twice or half the frequency of another given tone, or eight "letter" tones span between such notes.

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Palate--The roof of the mouth, consisting on the hard palate and soft palate. The hard palate is the bony part of the roof of the mouth and the soft palate is the fleshy back part of the roof of the mouth.


Perfect pitch--The somewhat rare ability to sing a precise musical pitch without the aid of an instrument or tuning device. It is also called the Absolute Pitch.


Phrase--A natural division of the melodic or lyrical line, comparable to a sentence of speech.


Pitch--The relative highness or lowness of a tone, as measured in its vibrations per second. It is also a single musical note.


Range--A span of notes of a singer's voice or a piece of music.


Release--The execution of the ending of a word.


Scale--A specific sequence of tones, beginning and ending on a key note or the tonal center.


Sheet music--The printed version of a song, such as a piano/vocal arrangement.

Skip--Two tones separated by one or more tones.


Song form--The structure of a song, designated by letters naming each section, such as ABA, or AABA.


Sounded consonants--The consonant sounds "z", "dj" and "v", counterparts of hissed consonants "s", "sh", and "f".


Soprano--The range of the highest voice of women or boys, usually from middle C to two or more octaves above.


Staccato--Notes marked with a dot above or below mean to be sung quickly and lightly.


Staff--The lines and spaces upon which musical notes are written to show high or low pitches.


Tempo--The relative speed of a song or song section.


Tessitura--The most comfortable part of a singer's vocal range.


Time signature--The two numbers at the beginning for the song or the section of a song that represent how many of what type of note in each measure, 4/4 means four quarter notes per measure, and 3/8 means three eighth notes per measure.


Transpose--To change the tonal center of a song, ascending or descending.


Treble clef--It is also called the G clef. It is a sign to show high pitched notes.


Vanish--In phonetics, the faint, final part of certain double vowel sounds, such as the faint "ee" ending of the vowel sound in the word "high" (hah-ee").


Verses--A section of a song that keeps the same melody, but changes lyrics as the song progresses.


Vocalize—It is also called Warm Ups. To sing vocal exercises.


Voiced consonants--The consonants "b", "d", and "g", counterparts of explosive consonants "p", "t", and "k".


Vowel consonants--The consonants "y" and "w", which are pronounced as vowel sounds.




Alto -- (アルト) メゾソプラノとテノールの間の音声の範囲。4 部構成の配置で二番目に高い部分。 


Articulation -- (構音) 子音と母音の形成における音声器官の働き。 


Bass clef -- (ヘ音記号)F clef とも呼ばれる低音部記号のこと 


Belting -- ポップス,ロック,ブロードウェイ音楽で特に女性シンガーが使う歌い方。横隔膜を抑えることにより膨らませた胸を共鳴



Breath control -- 長い歌詞を歌うために息を控えめに、効果的に使う手法。 


Breath mark -- (ブレス記号) 


Breath support -- 横隔膜や胸郭から供給される呼吸プロセスにおける筋肉の助け。ブレスサポートは呼吸と音のバランス感覚を作



Bridge -- 1曲の中の一節(1,2 番)やコーラス部分とは異なる移行的な部分。橋渡し的な部分。普通は 1 曲の中の最終コーラス部



Chest register -- 胸を共鳴させて作りだす声の低音域。 


Chromatic scale -- (半音階) 半音階上がるか下がるかの連続したおとの順序のこと。 


Chorus -- 1一緒に歌う人たちのグループ。2常に同じメロディーと歌詞を使う曲の一部分のこと。 


Contralto -- 女性の声の一番低い範囲。普通は”first F”から“second F”の間で”middle”以下。 


Crescendo -- (クレッシェンド) だんだん大きく。 


Decrescendo -- (デクレッシェンド) だんだん小さく。 


Diaphragm -- (横隔膜) 


Diminuendo -- デクレッシェンドと同意。 


Diphthong -- (二重母音) “oi”等母音が二つ重なること。 


Double vowel sound -- 二つの連続した母音で作られた複合音。ためいきや微笑みみたいなもの。 


Dynamics -- (デューナミク) 音楽の構成の中で音の強弱の度合。 


Embellishment -- 装飾音。一曲の中のメロディーやリズム、ハーモニーの為に付け加えられた音もしくは音のグループ。  

Enunciation -- (発声) 豊かさや鮮明さに注意しながら言葉の発音をすること。 


Explosive consonants -- (子音の爆発音) 空気の爆発を使って作られる子音。例えば“t,p,k”。 


F clef -- (ヘ音記号) Bass clef とも呼ばれる低音部記号のこと。 


Falsetto -- (裏声) 男性シンガーの高音域、女性シンガーの普通音域に似ている。また、女性シンガーでも軽く息遣いが聞こえるヘ

ッドボイスとして使われることがある。⇒ヘッドボイス クラシックや声楽などで頭に音を響かせながら息もれさせずに歌う裏声



Form -- 音楽の構成上の形式。 


Grace note -- 小さな音符で楽譜に書きこまれた装飾音。 


G clef -- (ト音記号) 高音部記号。 


Half step -- ピアノの鍵盤のある一つのキーと隣のキーとの間隔。白黒すべて含む。 


Head register -- 高音を出すときに頭に音を響かせながら出す声。ヘッドボイス。 


Head resonance -- (頭で共鳴する) 普通の声量で歌った時に高い音で作る。 


Hissed consonants -- (子音を吹く) s,sh,f のように「し~っ」という音で作られる子音の音。 


Hummed consonants -- (子音を鼻で響かせる) 鼻で共鳴する子音の音。 


Interpretation -- (演奏解釈 楽曲に対する個々の歌手の考え方。 


Improvisation -- (即興) 


Key -- (キー) 長音階もしくは短音階の出発音(音階第一音)をある一定の音高に定めたもの。曲や楽曲の調性の中心。 


Key signature -- (調合) #シャープ,♭フラットを五線譜の最初に置き楽曲の調を示す。 


Larynx -- (咽頭) 声帯を含有する音声の器官。 


Legato -- (レガート) 音と音の間に切れを感じさせず,滑らかに続けて演奏する方法。 


Lyrical phrase -- 叙情的なフレーズ。 


Lyrics -- (歌詞)  

Measure -- (小節) 


Metaphor -- (隠喩) 全く別のもので例えられる言葉の比喩。 


Mezzo-soprano -- (メゾソプラノ) ソプラノとアルトの間の声。 


Middle register -- 真ん中の音域 混合音声。 


Musical ear -- 音やピッチを認識し分化する能力。 


Octave -- (オクターブ) 全音階上の任意の音から数えて八番目にあたる音 8 度音程であり、高い方は低い方の 2 倍の周波数の音程。 


Palate --  (口蓋) 口腔の上壁、硬口蓋と軟口蓋から成る。硬口蓋は上壁の骨質な部分で軟口蓋は上壁後方の肉質な部分。 


Perfect pitch --  (絶対音感) 楽器やチューニング装置の助けが無くても正確な音程を歌うことができる稀な能力。 


Phrase --  (フレーズ) 旋律や歌詞の区分。スピーチの中の文のようなもの。 


Pitch --  (ピッチ) 音の相対的な高低で一秒間の音の振動数で表される。個々の音符でもある。 


Range  -- (音域) 歌い手の声や曲の音符の範囲。 


Release --  (リリース) 単語の ending を行うこと。 


Scale --  (音階) 始まりと終わりの音が主音階か音調の中心である特定の連続した音。 


Sheet music --  (楽譜) ピアノやボーカルのアレンジ等の曲を印刷したもの。 


Skip --  (スキップ) ひとつ以上音階が離れた二つの音符 


Song form -- (ソングフォーム) ABA、AABA のようにセクションにつけられた文字で示す曲の構成。 


Sounded consonants -- 子音 z、dj、v の音の子音。s、sh、f の hiss 子音と対となるもの。 


Soprano -- (ソプラノ) 女性もしくは少年の最も高い声のレンジ。通常は middle C から2オクターブまたはそれ以上の範囲。 


Staccato --  (スタッカート) 上か下に点が付いた音符で素早く軽く歌うこと。 


Staff  -- (譜表) 音の高低を示すために線上または線間に音符が書かれたもの。 


Tempo -- (テンポ) 曲や曲のセクション相対的な早さ。  

Tessitura --  (テッシトゥーラ) 歌い手の声のレンジの最も快適な部分。 


Time signature -- (拍子記号) 曲やセクションの最初の 2 つの数字で、小節にどの種類の音符がいくつあるかを表すもの。4/4 は四

分音符が4つを 3/8 は八分音符が3つを意味する。 


Transpose -- (移調) 曲の主音を上か下に移動すること。 


Treble clef  -- (高音記号) G 記号とも呼ばれる。高いピッチの音階を示す記号。 


Vanish -- 音声学上、二重母音の最後の部分の faint。”high”という単語の母音の faint “ee” ending。 


Verse -- 曲の展開上、同じメロディーであるが歌詞が異なるセクションのこと。 


Vocalize -- (発生練習) ボーカル練習を歌うこと。ウォームアップとも呼ばれる。 


Voiced consonants -- 子音 b、d、g の子音で p、t、k の破裂音の対をなすもの。 


Vowel consonants -- 母音的子音 母音として発音される h 子音。y、w。 









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